In 2003, a broad coalition of Dupont Circle stakeholders gathered together under the leadership of the Dupont Circle Merchants and Professionals Association (DC MAP) to develop a Main Streets program for Dupont Circle.
The Historic Dupont Circle Main Streets (HDCMS) is a volunteer-driven, commercial revitalization organization that serves to educate businesses about government relations, business issues, and historic preservation. It promotes businesses through events, branding, and advertising; and improves the value of commercial building owners through economic enhancement.
HDCMS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization governed by a Board of Directors who represent the full spectrum of professional and community interests in the Dupont Circle Commercial Corridors. The full Board meets monthly to review the business of the organization. The committees also meet regularly to discuss the progress of their projects. The day-to-day activities of HDCMS are carried out through its committees, made up of active volunteers from all walks of life. The HDCMS board and committee activities are supported by the executive director, who keeps all the parts moving forward.
HDCMS’s financial support comes primarily from grants, contributions, events, and sponsorships. Our largest grant funder is the Department of Small and Local Business Development, launched by the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development, which emphasizes strengthening organizations engaged in revitalization activity, promoting and marketing business districts, and improving the physical appearance and economic health of neighborhood business districts.

HDCMS’ vision for the Dupont Circle commercial district is to create a strong neighborhood identity, distinctive historic character, clean and well-maintained public areas, a safe and attractive environment, and a balance of small, independent businesses and national chains.
The mission of Historic Dupont Main Streets is to promote and plan the improvements of the cultural, physical, and economic qualities of Dupont Circle, and maintain those improvements, to make the neighborhood an exemplary place to live, work, and play.
The Main Streets model for commercial revitalization uses a committee based Four Point Approach:
This revitalization approach is active in over 1,600 communities nationwide. The Main Street Four-Pont Approach is a model reliant on a small staff and hundreds of community volunteers who simultaneously work on the four fronts to achieve comprehensive success.

Mesha Williams, Co-Chair
Randy Downes, Co-Chair
Jasmin Quioco, Treasurer
Sue Taylor, Secretary
Randy Downs, Friends of Stead Park
James Gebara, PNC Bank
Iva Gotzev, Zeleno Cafe & Toolbox Pilates
Jasmin Quioco, Lillith's Keeping
Georgia Katinas, Annie's Steakhouse
Martha Skidmore, Lyle Hotel
Susan Taylor, Church of Scientology National Affairs
Tim Touchette, StayAttache Corporate Housing
Mandy Warfield, Rotary Club of Dupont Circle
Mesha Williams, Resident
Rob Halligan
Marianne Wilson
Gabe Miller
Ed Hamm
Lucrecia Laudi
Erica Gloger
Dwight Barbour
Ann Blackwell, LEED AP, is an executive with 20+ years of marketing experience with the Architecture, Real Estate, Art and Design communities. Considered a leader in design-thinking, marketing, placemaking and sustainability; she is the founder of the design firm WellBuilt, a previous Senior Director with the American Institute of Architects and a former Redevelopment Director in Hollywood, Florida.